Franchise Property Valuation

If you would like to have your own Franchise Property Valuation and looking for a opportunity to start now, then here is your Chance. You can start in your choosen Territory (no exclusive Areas) with your own Real Estate Matching24 Franchise Business.

Franchise Fee:

7.500 USD (One time payment)


10 years, plus 5 years option

Technology Fee:

159 USD per User per month (at least 1 User)

Royalty Fee:

8% from Revenue

Admin Fee:

300 USD per month

National Marketing Fee:

150 USD per month

Total Investment Range:

20.000 USD – 50.000 USD

In the 3rd year you have to Open an Office in your Territory without restrictions.

Services Headquarter Real Estate Matching24:

Real Estate Agents CRM with Mobile App

Transaction Software

Billing and bookkeeping

National Marketing

National Phone Service

Support Leads and Lead Generation

Franchisee Support

Billing is carried out by the company headquarters by the 10th of the following month.

If you suggest a new Real Estate Agent, you will receive 5% from his/ her commission for the first 3 Deals.

If you open an Office, Real Estate Matching24 will Support you following.

0,5% from Revenue

Additional 0,5% from Revenue, if you have an Office together with a Real Estate Agency Franchisee Real Estate Matching24

Additional 0,5% from Revenue, if you have an Office together with a Property Management Franchisee Real Estate Matching24

Additional 0,5% from Revenue, if you have an Office together with a Mortgage Broker Franchisee Real Estate Matching24

Additional 0,5% from Revenue, if you have an Office together with a Insurance Broker Franchisee Real Estate Matching24

Contact us to become a Real Estate Agent or Franchise Partner:

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